
Galleria Il Bisonte Via San Niccolò 24R – Firenze December 1st, 2022 – January 13th, 2023  -  Opening Thur ...
Galeria Test ul. Marszałkowska 34/50 - Varsavia November 17th - December 7th, 2022. Opening Wednesday November ...
Galleria Ikenohata, Taito-ku, Tokyo - September 28th - October 9th, 2022 Fei art Museum, Yokohama – October 18th - O ...
Galleria Il Bisonte Via San Niccolò 24R – Firenze September 22nd – October 15th, 2022 - Opening Thursday September 22nd ...
Antiche Cantine Brandolini Via G. Mazzini, 5 - Cison di Valmarino (TV) 10-25 September 2022 – Opening Saturday S ...


"La via della carta. Incisione contemporanea italiana e cinese"
by Luciano Rossetto

Laboratorio Orlando Contemporaneo
Via del Fanciullo 2 - Capo d'Orlando (ME)
Opening: Thursday March 28th, 2024 at 6.30 p.m.
The exhibition will be open until May 2nd, 2024

WorldWide Prints project
At the end of 2019 we launched a project that aims to collect small prints from all over the world to raise awareness of how are prints are made in the five Continents. At the moment about 500 artists from 60 Countries have signed up. A section of our website is dedicated to the project and you can find here the project description, the images of works collected so far and the artists's biographies.
Recently we added to the project a new section, separate from the artists one, dedicated to students of Academies/Universities from all over the world.

Slideshow of some exhibitions held in Italy and abroad
In the course of its activity, the Association has held nearly fifty exhibitions in Italy and in other seven Countries in Europe, Asia and South America. Here you will find a slideshow with images of some exhibitions openings

Association description
A document that describe our Association with the list of exhibition held since its foundation in 2013 and the relationships that have been established with international Institutions and Associations can be downloaded from here